Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Ok I know I slacked... A lot!

Ok ill admit I didn't keep up and honestly idk when I posted last on this, sorry. Well gage is now 4 and his sister is 2 now, even though things are still really busy right now I'm even busier. Well gage is now in preschool in fact he is almost out in may crazy just how fast the school year goes even when your not in it although I think it's going faster now. Over Christmas break gage bloomed and I mean BLOOMED! Since starting school he has used more and more words is trying to use them but over that break it went crazy! Right now he is at a slow point and isn't doing a lot I mean same old same old he still talks and uses words but he isn't doing anything special just being gage. Oh also the best thing about him in school is (even though it took awhile) they and we got him to stop making the chocho sound for the word train he was just calling it a train but now it's a chocho train which kinda drives me nuts but I'm good with it cuz it's not NEAR as annoying as before. This weekend is going to be crazy he is staying with my mom this weekend so she is going to have to learn to listen and focus on him when he speaks she understands a lot of his words but not all she still has a barrier but its good for him too he can be around other ppl who have to listen and he had to speak clearer. He is getting to talk to fast so it's kinda like babble but not he is saying real words just can't figure them out cuz he is going so fast but it's ok his older sister is like that too lol. I'm so happy with how far he has come and I'm excited to see him go even farther :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011


well i know i havent been doing very well with keeping this updated, theres been alot going on and ive been pretty busy. gage has had a few visits and i honestly cant remember when i wrote last time. however gage is now 3! its hard to believe and he is getting smarter by the minite! he is saying new words and sometimes sentances but not very consistant with those. im pretty happy with how were going. we just had a meeting called the ifsp? its mostly talking about where gage is at now and what goals we are wanting to have met. gages sence of humor has blossemed even more also its so funny. i cant really make you a good list of what all words he has said but i know some of the most recent words he says is moo for moon and even moomoo for mom or mama lol its kinda funny but he normally only does it when hes talking to fast to try and work with it. weve been working on trying to get him to say drink instead of da or whatever and that isnt that easy but i think weve gotten close a few times he can say woah and we try to use that to get him to say water so were working on that but we got him to say wawa for water which he does good but when he wants a drink we havent gotten him to come up to us and say he wants wawa he still does his da thing. like i said before i cant even express how stinking smart he is and how much smarter hes getting hes even singing with some songs its pretty funny. well id say when  his next app is but actually i dont know when that is i dont even think i wrote it down on the calender i guess i need to go and find that paper but for the most part i think thats it i could be wrong but thats all i can think of for now ttfn!

Friday, November 11, 2011

switched visit

well due to codi getting sick this week we werent able to go to ks for gages bday so we switched visits so we can go this week so this blog is for that visit on the 9th. i cant really remember alot ive have alot of very long days and nights with little sleep, i dont remember what all they did other than play with some tractors and animals. gage had done alot of communicating with his teachers i dont believe he had said anything really new but he was just talking alot more and asking more it seemed. although we do now have a new word we can add to his list of words today i was in the kitchen with my mom who came up to help me rest or do what really needed to be done and i asked gage to take his trick or treating bucket he got from mc donalds before halloween. i had been trying to get him to say the words "trick or treat" for halloween and i couldnt get him to do it so to carry on i told him to go and put his bucket in the dinning room so he took it held it up and said "trick or treat!" ugh why now two weeks after! but its so sweet and he keeps saying it he said it several times for daddy when he got home so we gave him some candy from his other halloween bags lol. i love this kid sooo mcuh he is always learning new words he is soo close to talking like normal im so proud of him. because we got his visit switched he doesnt have his next one until the 30th and it will be a different type of visit im not sure how much they will actually work with him but well see

Saturday, October 29, 2011

ok well ive missed a blog..

ok so this is going to have to work as a double blog because he had a visit then another visit before i could even get on here they were only about a week apart IF!
i dont remember the days but i remember what had gone on. dustins step mom and dad were up here and i had forgotten the ladies were even coming i had it written down but i was mixed up on my days until i made a phone call. either way they ladies came and they had plaied with him i think with a touchy book at first then carol had brought out her moon sand. gage didnt do alot of talking but he did alot of interacting and doing what he needed to get what he wanted such as a tool or something but he wasnt talking alot. after they had left he was talking more and more even started saying two word sentences :). i dont remember what new words he had come up with after they left but obviously he was saying them by the time they came back the next week.
new words or words say more and more that gage has said: i do, in there, blue, yeah, no, night night, nanna(for banana not grandma like normal) hi. and there are others i just cant seem to think of them and every time hed say something new id think oh i need to blog this just never had the time! two kids walking makes it all crazy!
this last wednesday at his second visit. they came and the kids were still eatting their lunch so while gage finnished i talked with them and informed them of the things gage has been saying and then they all began to play. they were playing with a peg board type of thing where gage could stack them up and such. he did a TON of talking during this visit hes saying words that you know he is saying something you just cant quite figure it out yet.. he also did a bit of drawing he is doinng amazing at drawing it looks like he is actually trying to draw something its not always clear what hes trying to draw but you just know it! im so proud of him this is sooo much fun codi is talking as well its just soo much fun talking to gage and him actually talking back to me saying yeah or i do or no or something he is so wonderful im so happy about this! that is pretty much all so far his next app is this comming wednesday

Saturday, October 15, 2011

oct 12th...

so im a few days late from his app ive been so busy lately so im so sorry. so gage had another visit on the 12 and as you know today is the 15th ugh! i wish i would have gotten to this that day i have one heck of a horrible memory these days too. well i cant really remember if he said any new words  he always is but its not always catchable. they right down a few things that he says and he was doing a fantastic job talking with them, and corrosponding with them and such. i had asked them a few questions about milk cuz i have learned something about whole milk i didnt know and that made me wonder if that was part of why he is a late talker. we were also talking about gages since of humor they said 2 and 3 yr olds dont have a since of humor like gages at all and as i was thinking about it you really dont see that until boys are atleast 5 before they find farting and farting noises funny the way gage does and other things. you have to know gage is very smart and finds things very funny esp things on more grown up shows. its hard to really express how gage really is by typing it almost has no real say in who he really is you just have to get to know him! i now feel like though that we arent in this stand still so much anymore i feel like more and more hes picking things up so that is wonderful! i think this is everything so far gages next visit i think is the 26th and i will do my hardest to get on and write by then.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

sept 30th

sorry im a day late in writing this again but there was a birthday in the family so yeah. gage had a visit yesterday and gage showed them the upstairs and how he LOVES his lite-brite. they plaied with some building blocks and gage was trying to say blocks he was doing great getting the "b, ah" sound out for it. although sometimes im not sure if he was trying to say blocks or more but it sounded like more to me.. hes doing really good but i do feel like were almost in a stand still hes still trying and working with it but its just slowed down i dont think hes idk what im rying to say lol. the good thing is hes still trying. he continues to work onn saying food even better so that is wonderful to me! i dont think theres anything else right now his next visit is i think the 12th. oh idk if id said this begore but he is saying cheese esp when he wants his pic taken soo if anything happens or i remember more and the kids arent driving me insane ii will post until the 12th then.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

sorry a bit late sept 21st (on the 22nd lol)

well i didnt have a ton of time to post yesterday after gages visit and i forgot that night too. im not really sure what all happened yesterday i was doing alot of talking with gages teacher michelle about gage and the fits hes been having and some other stuff about gage while carol was working with gage. however gage is saying "blue" now it makes me happy and he is also kinda saying hi you can tell thats what hes saying but hes not saying it very clear you really hear the "h" sound the most but its a step up and thats great and now he says "bye" instead of his bubye which is great and cute! hes also doing soo great with food i taught him how to say food by taking the sounds he already knew how to say and had him repeat each sound after i said them and then encouraged him to say them together but for awhile he was just saying "faaa" but now we can actualy get a "fffooooo" out of him and if you remind him to say the "da" he normally does. :) his drink is still da but with ALOT of perswading you can kinda get a dr out of him. lately weve been dealing with alot of fits and tantrums with him and its been taking a test on me its pretty had to deal with because he just doesnt know how to tell us why he is upset or what he wants and its hard on us all but we seem to be making it. im ready for this to get easier but this is something god has planed for us and hes helping us and teaching us i just have to keep praying to give gage more words. well i think thats most of what has happened here lately his next visit is on the 30th and that is my oldest 4th bday so i cant promise ill be writing that day/night but if i have some time while the kids nap since gages visit is in the morning i will certainly do my best :)